The department hosts a variety of weekly seminars, social events, annual lectures, and conferences including an Algebra and Number Theory day held in partnership with the University of Maryland and Japan-U.S. Mathematics Institute programs.
Johns Hopkins Math Colloquium
Takes place on the first Wednesday of each month during the semester. Click here to see the upcoming colloquia.
Weekly Social Events
Department Afternoon Tea: Mondays, Tuesdays, and Thursdays at 4pm in Krieger 413
Department Wine and Cheese: Wednesdays at 4pm in Krieger 413
Number Theory Seminar: Friedrich Knop (FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg)
Krieger 411Title: Complexity of actions over perfect fields Abstract: Let K be a field, let G be a reductive K-group and let X be a G-variety. When K is algebraically closed, […]
Automorphic forms learning seminar: Milton Lin (JHU)
Krieger 411Title: Review of geometric local Langlands for GL1 in mixed characteristic and an introduction to Banach Colmez Spaces. Reference: Hansen's Beijing Lecture Notes on Categorical Local Langlands & Fargues-Scholze.
Automorphic forms learning seminar: Milton Lin (JHU)
Krieger 411Title: Period sheaves on Bun_G. Reference: Feng and Wang's duality periods .