Here you can find the information you need to get help with your math coursework, become an undergraduate teaching assistant, or apply for an undergraduate travel award.

Math Coursework Help

Math Help Room (for all students enrolled in an undergraduate Mathematics course)

In Fall 2024, the Math Help Room will be held virtually. For the hours and instructions for access, please click here. The Math Help Room will begin on Monday, September 9th, and continue until December 13th, with closures on October 17th & 18th for the Fall Break and November 25th to 29th for the Fall Recess.

Learning Den (for students from Math 106, 107, 108, 109, 201, 202 and 302 courses)

In Fall 2024, the Learning Den will be held in person across various classrooms in Gilman Hall. Please check the schedule before attending a session for the most up-to-date location information. To sign in, please scan the QR code in the tutoring classroom. More information can be found on the Office of Academic Support site.

Math CourseSundayMondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdaySaturday
Calculus I6 – 8pm:
Gilman 119 & 55
6 – 8pm:
Gilman 17

7 – 9pm:
Gilman 313
6 – 8pm:
Gilman 77
6 – 8pm:
Gilman 400
7 – 9pm:
Gilman 55
Calculus II6 – 8pm:
Gilman 17
(ENG only)

7 – 9pm:
Gilman 313
(ENG only)
6 – 8pm:
Gilman 77
(ENG only)
7 – 9pm:
Gilman 400
(BIO only)
6 – 8pm:
Gilman 75
(ENG only)

6 – 8pm:
Gilman 55
(BIO only)
Calculus III6 – 8pm:
Gilman 186
6 – 8pm:
Gilman 377
Linear Algebra7 – 9pm:
Gilman 313
Diff. Equations7 – 9pm:
Gilman 413
7 – 9pm:
Gilman 230

Undergraduate Teaching Assistants & Course Assistants

The Department of Mathematics hires undergraduates as teaching assistants (TA) and course assistants (CA) for several courses. In order to become a CA or a TA candidate, the undergraduate student must have completed the course they wish to TA with either an A- or higher. If you meet this requirement, you can complete the Online Application form. If hired, you will be asked to complete a Pledge of Office  form and submit it to the Teaching and Training Specialist in Mathematics, Catrish Griffin. You can email the form to [email protected] or submit it in person to Krieger Hall 404.

Typical Teaching Assistant and Course Assistant Duties

Listed below are some TA and CA responsibilities; please note that these vary for each course:

  • Grading homeworks, projects, portfolios, quizzes and exams;
  • Facilitating or co-facilitating recitation sections;
  • Assisting the instructor during class meetings;
  • Recording grades, maintaining records and providing pertinent information regarding grades to the instructor on a regular basis;
  • Tutoring in the Math Help Room or the Learning Den;
  • Conducting help and/or review sessions;
  • Suggesting homework or exam questions and writing the solutions to the questions;
  • Writing/copying handouts or notes;
  • Proctoring quizzes and exams.

NOTE: All TAs and CAs will be supervised by the course instructor and all grading will be checked.

Undergraduate Travel Grant Awards

Eligibility, Purpose, and Scope

Travel grants are available to undergraduate majors or minors in the Department of Mathematics who are presenting a paper or poster at a conference. These awards can be used for hotel accommodations, transportation, poster printing costs, and conference registration fees.

Typical awards are in the range $50 – $500. These awards should be expected to supplement funds from other sources rather than provide full support for a trip.

Application Materials

Award applications must include:

  • A completed application form including a detailed budget and budget justification.
  • An abstract or research statement summarizing the paper or poster.
  • A short letter of endorsement from a current faculty member of the department.

In addition, the student must provide:

  • A copy of the acceptance notification of the student’s presentation.
  • A description of other funds available to and/or applied for by the student.

Application Deadlines

Applications will be considered on a rolling basis and should be submitted at least two months in advance of travel. Retroactive submissions will not be accepted.

Reimbursement Policies

Please read and understand the following important information regarding the reimbursement process for your travel funding:

  • Funds are disbursed as a travel reimbursement, not a travel advance. It is important that you keep all original copies of your receipts for all items for which you expect reimbursement. For expenses purchased with a credit card, the receipt must show the last four digits of the credit card that was charged. If the original receipt is electronic, it may be submitted as long as the receipt shows that the expense was paid in full.
  • Travel reimbursement funds are supplemental funds. Departmental funds are to be used after other sources of funding have been exhausted.
  • Students who are not already in JHU payroll will be reimbursed as a non-employee. A valid mailing address is required for non-employee reimbursements.
  • If you have any questions about the reimbursement process you can contact Richard Brown (Director of Undergraduate Studies) at 410-516-8179 or [email protected].

Applications should be submitted via email to Richard Brown.