Analysis seminar: Jingze Zhu (MIT)

Krieger 205

Title: Arnold-Thom conjecture for the arrival time of surfacesAbstract: Following Łojasiewicz's uniqueness theorem and Thom's gradient conjecture, Arnold proposed a stronger version about the existence of limit tangents of gradient flow lines for analytic functions. In this talk, I will explain the proof of Łojasiewicz's theorem and Arnold's conjecture in the context of arrival time […]

Analysis seminar: Baozhi Chu (Rutgers)

Krieger 205

Title: Some recent developments on the fully nonlinear Yamabe problems Abstract: In recent joint work with YanYan Li and Zongyuan Li, we broaden the scope of fully nonlinear Yamabe problems by establishing optimal Liouville-type theorems, local gradient estimates, and new existence and compactness results for conformal metrics on a closed Riemannian manifold with prescribed symmetric functions […]