Title: The Lawson-Osserman conjecture for the minimal surface systemAbstract: In their seminal work on the minimal surface system, Lawson and Osserman conjectured that Lipschitz graphs that are critical points of the area functional with respect to outer variations are also critical with respect to domain variations. We will discuss the proof of this conjecture for […]
Title: Relative Satake isomorphism and Euler systems Abstract: Starting from the inversion formula for the relative Satake isomorphism due to Sakellaridis, we observe a simple additional divisibility property. We will then explain how this gives a computation-free construction of Euler systems in some settings. This is joint work with Li Cai and Yangyu Fan.
Title: Towards the quantum exceptional series Abstract: Many Lie algebras fit into discrete families like GL(n), On, Spn. By work of Brauer, Deligne and others, the corresponding tensor categories fit into continuous familes GL(t) and OSp(t). A similar story holds for quantum groups, so we can speak of two parameter families GL(t)_q and OSp(t)_q. Thesetensor categories […]