Topology Seminar: Marcy Robertson (Melbourne)
Maryland 110Title and abstract TBA
Title and abstract TBA
Plancherel formula 2
Title: What is an automorphic representation? Abstract: Andrew Wiles' famous proof of Fermat's last theorem was crucially based on constructing a mysterious connection between two classes of mathematical objects: "modular forms" and "elliptic curves". However, if you try looking up what a modular form actually is, you'll find an elementary but very unmotivated definition involving functions on […]
Title: Boundary behavior of the Allen-Cahn equation and the construction of free boundary minimal hypersurfacesAbstract: In the late 70s, the work of Modica, Mortola, De Giorgi, and many others established deep connections between the Allen-Cahn equation, a semi-linear elliptic equation arising in the van der Waals-Cahn-Hilliard theory of phase transitions, and minimal hypersurfaces, i.e. critical […]