Analysis seminar: Dennis Kriventsov (Rutgers)

Krieger 302

Title: Three theorems about asymptotic expansions of harmonic functions at the boundaryAbstract: Consider a harmonic function on a domain, vanishing along a part of its boundary, and a point on that part of the boundary which is asymptotically conical. I will explain that under a very mild notion of "asymptotically conical," the harmonic function has […]

Algebraic Geometry Seminar: Junliang Shen (Yale)

Krieger 413 (please note the special time and location)

Title: On the generalized Beauville decomposition.Abstract: Over 30 years ago, the work of Beauville and Deninger-Murre endowed the cohomology of an abelian scheme a (motivic) decomposition which splits the Leray filtration. This structure, now known as the Beauville decomposition, is induced by algebraic cycles obtained from the Fourier-Mukai coherent duality. In recent years, the study of Hitchin […]