Automorphic forms learning seminar: Yiannis Sakellaridis

Krieger 413

Title: Introduction to the relative Langlands program, with open problems, II.Abstract: This will be the second of a few talks introducing the "relative" Langlands program, with a view towards open problems, both concrete and speculative.

Topology Seminar: Deven Manam (Northwestern)

Krieger 413 (note new time and place)

Title: The Drinfeld and Quillen formal groupsAbstract: The Cartier–Witt stack, introduced recently by Drinfeld and Bhatt–Lurie, is a geometric object whose quasicoherent sheaves provide a natural target category for prismatic cohomology. Over this stack, Drinfeld has defined a certain formal group involved in the construction of prismatic Chern classes, and conjectured that this formal group […]

Algebraic Geometry Seminar: Linquan Ma (Purdue)

Krieger 302

Title: Test ideals in mixed characteristic via the p-adic Riemann-Hilbert correspondence.Abstract: Multiplier ideals in characteristic zero and test ideals in positive characteristic are fundamental objects in the study of commutative algebra and birational geometry in equal characteristic. We introduce a mixed characteristic version of the multiplier / test ideal using the p-adic Riemann-Hilbert functor of Bhatt-Lurie. Under […]