Title: Minimal Log Discrepancy and Orbifold CurvesAbstract: We show that the minimal log discrepancy of any isolated Fano cone singularity is at most the dimension of the variety. This is based on its relation with dimensions of moduli spaces of orbifold rational curves. We also propose a conjectural characterization of weighted projective spaces as Fano orbifolds in […]
This event will feature a panel of faculty from our math department to provide support for students seeking to learn more about the process of applying to graduate school in mathematics. It will help students choose schools based on interests and gain unique insights into what the whole process entails.
Title: The geometry of singular Kahler-Einstein metricsAbstract: The existence of a Kahler-Einstein metric can be a powerful tool to study complex manifolds. To use similar methods in the study of singular varieties, we need to understand the geometry of singular Kahler-Einstein metrics. I will discuss what some of the basic questions are, as well as […]