Graduate level research on a topic chosen by the professor and student.
Graduate Student Research AS.110.802 (01)
Graduate level research on a topic chosen by the professor and student.
Instructor: Sire, Yannick
Status: Open
Seats Available: 14/50
PosTag(s): n/a
AS.110.601 (01)
Algebra I
TTh 1:30PM - 2:45PM
Gepner, David James
Maryland 202
Fall 2024
The first of a two semester algebra sequence to provide the student with the foundations for Number Theory, Algebraic Geometry, Representation Theory, and other areas. Topics include refined elements of group theory, commutative algebra, Noetherian rings, local rings, modules, and rudiments of category theory, homological algebra, field theory, Galois theory, and non-commutative algebras.
Algebra I AS.110.601 (01)
The first of a two semester algebra sequence to provide the student with the foundations for Number Theory, Algebraic Geometry, Representation Theory, and other areas. Topics include refined elements of group theory, commutative algebra, Noetherian rings, local rings, modules, and rudiments of category theory, homological algebra, field theory, Galois theory, and non-commutative algebras.
Days/Times: TTh 1:30PM - 2:45PM
Instructor: Gepner, David James
Room: Maryland 202
Status: Open
Seats Available: 11/24
PosTag(s): n/a
AS.110.605 (01)
Real Variables
MW 3:00PM - 4:15PM
Sogge, Christopher Donald
Maryland 202
Fall 2024
This course covers the theory of the Lebesgue theory of integration in d-dimensional Euclidean space, and offers a brief introduction to the theory of Hilbert spaces. Closely related topics in real variables, such as functions of bounded variation, the Riemann-Stieltjes integral, Fubini's theorem, Lp classes, and various results about differentiation are examined in detail. applications are basic facts about convolution operators and Fourier series, including results for the conjugate function and the Hardy-Littlewood maximal function.
Real Variables AS.110.605 (01)
This course covers the theory of the Lebesgue theory of integration in d-dimensional Euclidean space, and offers a brief introduction to the theory of Hilbert spaces. Closely related topics in real variables, such as functions of bounded variation, the Riemann-Stieltjes integral, Fubini's theorem, Lp classes, and various results about differentiation are examined in detail. applications are basic facts about convolution operators and Fourier series, including results for the conjugate function and the Hardy-Littlewood maximal function.
Days/Times: MW 3:00PM - 4:15PM
Instructor: Sogge, Christopher Donald
Room: Maryland 202
Status: Open
Seats Available: 12/24
PosTag(s): n/a
AS.110.608 (01)
Riemann Surfaces
MW 12:00PM - 1:15PM
Im, Mee Seong
Bloomberg 178
Fall 2024
Abstract Riemann surfaces. Examples: algebraic curves, elliptic curves and functions on them. Holomorphic and meromorphic functions and differential forms, divisors and the Mittag-Leffler problem. The analytic genus. Bezout's theorem and applications. Introduction to sheaf theory, with applications to constructing linear series of meromorphic functions. Serre duality, the existence of meromorphic functions on Riemann surfaces, the equality of the topological and analytic genera, the equivalence of algebraic curves and compact Riemann surfaces, the Riemann-Roch theorem. Period matrices and the Abel-Jacobi mapping, Jacobi inversion, the Torelli theorem. Uniformization (time permitting).
Riemann Surfaces AS.110.608 (01)
Abstract Riemann surfaces. Examples: algebraic curves, elliptic curves and functions on them. Holomorphic and meromorphic functions and differential forms, divisors and the Mittag-Leffler problem. The analytic genus. Bezout's theorem and applications. Introduction to sheaf theory, with applications to constructing linear series of meromorphic functions. Serre duality, the existence of meromorphic functions on Riemann surfaces, the equality of the topological and analytic genera, the equivalence of algebraic curves and compact Riemann surfaces, the Riemann-Roch theorem. Period matrices and the Abel-Jacobi mapping, Jacobi inversion, the Torelli theorem. Uniformization (time permitting).
Days/Times: MW 12:00PM - 1:15PM
Instructor: Im, Mee Seong
Room: Bloomberg 178
Status: Open
Seats Available: 11/15
PosTag(s): n/a
AS.110.615 (01)
Algebraic Topology I
MW 1:30PM - 2:45PM
Kitchloo, Nitya
Maryland 104
Fall 2024
Singular homology theory, cohomology and products, category theory and homological algebra, Künneth and universal coefficient theorems, Poincaré and Alexander duality theorems, Lefschetz fixed-point theorem, covering spaces and fundamental groups. Prerequsites: the equivalent of one semester in both Abstract Algebra and Real Analysis (specifically, point set topology).
Algebraic Topology I AS.110.615 (01)
Singular homology theory, cohomology and products, category theory and homological algebra, Künneth and universal coefficient theorems, Poincaré and Alexander duality theorems, Lefschetz fixed-point theorem, covering spaces and fundamental groups. Prerequsites: the equivalent of one semester in both Abstract Algebra and Real Analysis (specifically, point set topology).
Days/Times: MW 1:30PM - 2:45PM
Instructor: Kitchloo, Nitya
Room: Maryland 104
Status: Open
Seats Available: 5/20
PosTag(s): n/a
AS.110.617 (01)
Number Theory I
TTh 9:00AM - 10:15AM
Corato Zanarella, Murilo
Krieger 307
Fall 2024
Elements of advanced algebra and number theory. Possible topics for the year-long sequence include local and global fields, Galois cohomology, semisimple algebras, class field theory, elliptic curves, modular and automorphic forms, integral representations of L-functions, adelic geometry and function fields, fundamental notions in arithmetic geometry (including Arakelov and diophantine geometry).
Number Theory I AS.110.617 (01)
Elements of advanced algebra and number theory. Possible topics for the year-long sequence include local and global fields, Galois cohomology, semisimple algebras, class field theory, elliptic curves, modular and automorphic forms, integral representations of L-functions, adelic geometry and function fields, fundamental notions in arithmetic geometry (including Arakelov and diophantine geometry).
Days/Times: TTh 9:00AM - 10:15AM
Instructor: Corato Zanarella, Murilo
Room: Krieger 307
Status: Open
Seats Available: 6/15
PosTag(s): n/a
AS.110.631 (01)
Partial Differential Equations I
MW 12:00PM - 1:15PM
Dodson, Benjamin
Hodson 211
Fall 2024
This course is the first in the sequence about the general theory of PDEs. The beginning of the course will describe several important results of functional analysis which are instrumental for the study of PDEs: Hahn-Banach theorem, Uniform boundedness and closed graph theorems, reflexive spaces and weak topologies. The topics covered include: theory of Sobolev spaces. Harmonic functions and their properties. Weyl theorem. General Elliptic operators. Existence theory for elliptic boundary value problems. Lax-Milgram theorem. Dirichlet principle. Fine properties of solutions of elliptic equations such as maximum principles, Harnack principles, Sobolev and H\"older regularity.
Partial Differential Equations I AS.110.631 (01)
This course is the first in the sequence about the general theory of PDEs. The beginning of the course will describe several important results of functional analysis which are instrumental for the study of PDEs: Hahn-Banach theorem, Uniform boundedness and closed graph theorems, reflexive spaces and weak topologies. The topics covered include: theory of Sobolev spaces. Harmonic functions and their properties. Weyl theorem. General Elliptic operators. Existence theory for elliptic boundary value problems. Lax-Milgram theorem. Dirichlet principle. Fine properties of solutions of elliptic equations such as maximum principles, Harnack principles, Sobolev and H\"older regularity.
Days/Times: MW 12:00PM - 1:15PM
Instructor: Dodson, Benjamin
Room: Hodson 211
Status: Open
Seats Available: 18/24
PosTag(s): n/a
AS.110.637 (01)
Functional Analysis
MW 1:30PM - 2:45PM
Park, Chamsol
Maryland 202
Fall 2024
This class will explore basic aspects of functional analysis, focusing mostly on normed vector spaces. This will include the Hahn-Banach and open mapping theorems, a discussion of strong and weak topologies, the theory of compact operators, and spaces of integrable functions and Sobolev spaces, with applications to the study of some partial differential equations. Prerequisite: Real Analysis
Functional Analysis AS.110.637 (01)
This class will explore basic aspects of functional analysis, focusing mostly on normed vector spaces. This will include the Hahn-Banach and open mapping theorems, a discussion of strong and weak topologies, the theory of compact operators, and spaces of integrable functions and Sobolev spaces, with applications to the study of some partial differential equations. Prerequisite: Real Analysis
Days/Times: MW 1:30PM - 2:45PM
Instructor: Park, Chamsol
Room: Maryland 202
Status: Open
Seats Available: 7/24
PosTag(s): n/a
AS.110.643 (01)
Algebraic Geometry I
TTh 12:00PM - 1:15PM
Shokurov, Vyacheslav
Maryland 104
Fall 2024
Introduction to affine varieties and projective varieties. Hilbert's theorems about polynomials in several variables with their connections to geometry. Abstract algebraic varieties and projective geometry. Dimension of varieties and smooth varieties. Sheaf theory and some notions of cohomology. Applications of sheaves to geometry; e.g., theory of divisors, rudiments of scheme theory for the understanding of the Riemann-Roch theorem for curves and surfaces. Other topics may include Jacobian varieties, resolution of singularities, birational geometry on surfaces, schemes, connections with complex analytic geometry and topology.
Algebraic Geometry I AS.110.643 (01)
Introduction to affine varieties and projective varieties. Hilbert's theorems about polynomials in several variables with their connections to geometry. Abstract algebraic varieties and projective geometry. Dimension of varieties and smooth varieties. Sheaf theory and some notions of cohomology. Applications of sheaves to geometry; e.g., theory of divisors, rudiments of scheme theory for the understanding of the Riemann-Roch theorem for curves and surfaces. Other topics may include Jacobian varieties, resolution of singularities, birational geometry on surfaces, schemes, connections with complex analytic geometry and topology.
Days/Times: TTh 12:00PM - 1:15PM
Instructor: Shokurov, Vyacheslav
Room: Maryland 104
Status: Open
Seats Available: 8/15
PosTag(s): n/a
AS.110.645 (01)
Riemannian Geometry I
TTh 10:30AM - 11:45AM
Restrepo Montoya, Daniel Eduardo
Maryland 202
Fall 2024
This course is a graduate-level introduction to foundational material in Riemannian Geometry. Riemannian manifolds, a smooth manifold equipped with a Riemannian metric. Topics include connections, geodesics, Jacobi fields, submanifold theory including the second fundamental form and Gauss equations, manifolds of constant curvature, comparison theorems, Morse index theorem, Hadamard theorem and Bonnet-Myers theorem.
Riemannian Geometry I AS.110.645 (01)
This course is a graduate-level introduction to foundational material in Riemannian Geometry. Riemannian manifolds, a smooth manifold equipped with a Riemannian metric. Topics include connections, geodesics, Jacobi fields, submanifold theory including the second fundamental form and Gauss equations, manifolds of constant curvature, comparison theorems, Morse index theorem, Hadamard theorem and Bonnet-Myers theorem.
Days/Times: TTh 10:30AM - 11:45AM
Instructor: Restrepo Montoya, Daniel Eduardo
Room: Maryland 202
Status: Open
Seats Available: 10/25
PosTag(s): n/a
AS.110.733 (01)
Topics In Alg Num Theory
TTh 4:30PM - 5:45PM
Savitt, David Lawrence
Maryland 217
Fall 2024
Topics covered will vary from year to year and are at the discretion of the instructor.
Topics In Alg Num Theory AS.110.733 (01)
Topics covered will vary from year to year and are at the discretion of the instructor.
Days/Times: TTh 4:30PM - 5:45PM
Instructor: Savitt, David Lawrence
Room: Maryland 217
Status: Open
Seats Available: 10/15
PosTag(s): n/a
AS.110.800 (01)
Independent Study-Graduates
Riehl, EMILY
Fall 2024
This is an independent study course for students interested in a working with a professor on a specific topic.
Independent Study-Graduates AS.110.800 (01)
This is an independent study course for students interested in a working with a professor on a specific topic.
Instructor: Riehl, EMILY
Status: Open
Seats Available: 4/5
PosTag(s): n/a
AS.110.800 (02)
Independent Study-Graduates
Bernstein, Jacob
Fall 2024
This is an independent study course for students interested in a working with a professor on a specific topic.
Independent Study-Graduates AS.110.800 (02)
This is an independent study course for students interested in a working with a professor on a specific topic.
Instructor: Bernstein, Jacob
Status: Open
Seats Available: 5/5
PosTag(s): n/a
AS.110.800 (03)
Independent Study-Graduates
Kitchloo, Nitya
Fall 2024
This is an independent study course for students interested in a working with a professor on a specific topic.
Independent Study-Graduates AS.110.800 (03)
This is an independent study course for students interested in a working with a professor on a specific topic.
Instructor: Kitchloo, Nitya
Status: Open
Seats Available: 5/5
PosTag(s): n/a
AS.110.800 (04)
Independent Study-Graduates
Sogge, Christopher Donald
Fall 2024
This is an independent study course for students interested in a working with a professor on a specific topic.
Independent Study-Graduates AS.110.800 (04)
This is an independent study course for students interested in a working with a professor on a specific topic.
Instructor: Sogge, Christopher Donald
Status: Open
Seats Available: 5/5
PosTag(s): n/a
AS.110.800 (05)
Independent Study-Graduates
Gepner, David James
Fall 2024
This is an independent study course for students interested in a working with a professor on a specific topic.
Independent Study-Graduates AS.110.800 (05)
This is an independent study course for students interested in a working with a professor on a specific topic.
Instructor: Gepner, David James
Status: Open
Seats Available: 3/5
PosTag(s): n/a
AS.110.800 (06)
Independent Study-Graduates
Sire, Yannick
Fall 2024
This is an independent study course for students interested in a working with a professor on a specific topic.
Independent Study-Graduates AS.110.800 (06)
This is an independent study course for students interested in a working with a professor on a specific topic.
Instructor: Sire, Yannick
Status: Open
Seats Available: 3/5
PosTag(s): n/a
AS.110.800 (07)
Independent Study-Graduates
Lu, Fei
Fall 2024
This is an independent study course for students interested in a working with a professor on a specific topic.
Independent Study-Graduates AS.110.800 (07)
This is an independent study course for students interested in a working with a professor on a specific topic.
Instructor: Lu, Fei
Status: Open
Seats Available: 5/5
PosTag(s): n/a
AS.110.800 (08)
Independent Study-Graduates
Savitt, David Lawrence
Fall 2024
This is an independent study course for students interested in a working with a professor on a specific topic.
Independent Study-Graduates AS.110.800 (08)
This is an independent study course for students interested in a working with a professor on a specific topic.
Instructor: Savitt, David Lawrence
Status: Open
Seats Available: 2/5
PosTag(s): n/a
AS.110.800 (09)
Independent Study-Graduates
Fall 2024
This is an independent study course for students interested in a working with a professor on a specific topic.
Independent Study-Graduates AS.110.800 (09)
This is an independent study course for students interested in a working with a professor on a specific topic.
Instructor: Mese, CHIKAKO
Status: Open
Seats Available: 5/5
PosTag(s): n/a
AS.110.800 (10)
Independent Study-Graduates
Wang, Yi
Fall 2024
This is an independent study course for students interested in a working with a professor on a specific topic.
Independent Study-Graduates AS.110.800 (10)
This is an independent study course for students interested in a working with a professor on a specific topic.
Instructor: Wang, Yi
Status: Open
Seats Available: 5/5
PosTag(s): n/a
AS.110.800 (11)
Independent Study-Graduates
Consani, Caterina (Katia)
Fall 2024
This is an independent study course for students interested in a working with a professor on a specific topic.
Independent Study-Graduates AS.110.800 (11)
This is an independent study course for students interested in a working with a professor on a specific topic.
Instructor: Consani, Caterina (Katia)
Status: Open
Seats Available: 5/5
PosTag(s): n/a
AS.110.800 (12)
Independent Study-Graduates
Lindblad, Hans
Fall 2024
This is an independent study course for students interested in a working with a professor on a specific topic.
Independent Study-Graduates AS.110.800 (12)
This is an independent study course for students interested in a working with a professor on a specific topic.
Instructor: Lindblad, Hans
Status: Open
Seats Available: 5/5
PosTag(s): n/a
AS.110.800 (13)
Independent Study-Graduates
Sakellaridis, Yiannis
Fall 2024
This is an independent study course for students interested in a working with a professor on a specific topic.
Independent Study-Graduates AS.110.800 (13)
This is an independent study course for students interested in a working with a professor on a specific topic.
Instructor: Sakellaridis, Yiannis
Status: Open
Seats Available: 5/5
PosTag(s): n/a
AS.110.800 (14)
Independent Study-Graduates
Dodson, Benjamin
Fall 2024
This is an independent study course for students interested in a working with a professor on a specific topic.
Independent Study-Graduates AS.110.800 (14)
This is an independent study course for students interested in a working with a professor on a specific topic.
Instructor: Dodson, Benjamin
Status: Open
Seats Available: 5/5
PosTag(s): n/a
AS.110.800 (15)
Independent Study-Graduates
Shokurov, Vyacheslav
Fall 2024
This is an independent study course for students interested in a working with a professor on a specific topic.
Independent Study-Graduates AS.110.800 (15)
This is an independent study course for students interested in a working with a professor on a specific topic.
Instructor: Shokurov, Vyacheslav
Status: Open
Seats Available: 5/5
PosTag(s): n/a
AS.110.800 (16)
Independent Study-Graduates
Sunohara, Matthew
Fall 2024
This is an independent study course for students interested in a working with a professor on a specific topic.
Independent Study-Graduates AS.110.800 (16)
This is an independent study course for students interested in a working with a professor on a specific topic.
Instructor: Sunohara, Matthew
Status: Open
Seats Available: 4/5
PosTag(s): n/a
AS.110.801 (01)
Thesis Research
Riehl, EMILY
Fall 2024
This is an independent study course for students working with their advisor toward the completion of their thesis.
Thesis Research AS.110.801 (01)
This is an independent study course for students working with their advisor toward the completion of their thesis.
Instructor: Riehl, EMILY
Status: Open
Seats Available: 22/25
PosTag(s): n/a
AS.110.801 (02)
Thesis Research
Consani, Caterina (Katia)
Fall 2024
This is an independent study course for students working with their advisor toward the completion of their thesis.
Thesis Research AS.110.801 (02)
This is an independent study course for students working with their advisor toward the completion of their thesis.
Instructor: Consani, Caterina (Katia)
Status: Open
Seats Available: 24/25
PosTag(s): n/a
AS.110.801 (03)
Thesis Research
Lindblad, Hans
Fall 2024
This is an independent study course for students working with their advisor toward the completion of their thesis.
Thesis Research AS.110.801 (03)
This is an independent study course for students working with their advisor toward the completion of their thesis.
Instructor: Lindblad, Hans
Status: Open
Seats Available: 24/25
PosTag(s): n/a
AS.110.801 (04)
Thesis Research
Sogge, Christopher Donald
Fall 2024
This is an independent study course for students working with their advisor toward the completion of their thesis.
Thesis Research AS.110.801 (04)
This is an independent study course for students working with their advisor toward the completion of their thesis.
Instructor: Sogge, Christopher Donald
Status: Open
Seats Available: 22/25
PosTag(s): n/a
AS.110.801 (05)
Thesis Research
Sakellaridis, Yiannis
Fall 2024
This is an independent study course for students working with their advisor toward the completion of their thesis.
Thesis Research AS.110.801 (05)
This is an independent study course for students working with their advisor toward the completion of their thesis.
Instructor: Sakellaridis, Yiannis
Status: Open
Seats Available: 23/25
PosTag(s): n/a
AS.110.801 (06)
Thesis Research
Maggioni, Mauro
Fall 2024
This is an independent study course for students working with their advisor toward the completion of their thesis.
Thesis Research AS.110.801 (06)
This is an independent study course for students working with their advisor toward the completion of their thesis.
Instructor: Maggioni, Mauro
Status: Open
Seats Available: 24/25
PosTag(s): n/a
AS.110.801 (07)
Thesis Research
Kitchloo, Nitya
Fall 2024
This is an independent study course for students working with their advisor toward the completion of their thesis.
Thesis Research AS.110.801 (07)
This is an independent study course for students working with their advisor toward the completion of their thesis.
Instructor: Kitchloo, Nitya
Status: Open
Seats Available: 24/25
PosTag(s): n/a
AS.110.801 (08)
Thesis Research
Shokurov, Vyacheslav
Fall 2024
This is an independent study course for students working with their advisor toward the completion of their thesis.
Thesis Research AS.110.801 (08)
This is an independent study course for students working with their advisor toward the completion of their thesis.
Instructor: Shokurov, Vyacheslav
Status: Open
Seats Available: 24/25
PosTag(s): n/a
AS.110.801 (09)
Thesis Research
Wang, Yi
Fall 2024
This is an independent study course for students working with their advisor toward the completion of their thesis.
Thesis Research AS.110.801 (09)
This is an independent study course for students working with their advisor toward the completion of their thesis.
Instructor: Wang, Yi
Status: Open
Seats Available: 10/10
PosTag(s): n/a
AS.110.801 (10)
Thesis Research
Bernstein, Jacob
Fall 2024
This is an independent study course for students working with their advisor toward the completion of their thesis.
Thesis Research AS.110.801 (10)
This is an independent study course for students working with their advisor toward the completion of their thesis.
Instructor: Bernstein, Jacob
Status: Open
Seats Available: 3/5
PosTag(s): n/a
AS.110.801 (11)
Thesis Research
Savitt, David Lawrence
Fall 2024
This is an independent study course for students working with their advisor toward the completion of their thesis.
Thesis Research AS.110.801 (11)
This is an independent study course for students working with their advisor toward the completion of their thesis.
Instructor: Savitt, David Lawrence
Status: Open
Seats Available: 5/5
PosTag(s): n/a
AS.110.801 (12)
Thesis Research
Dodson, Benjamin
Fall 2024
This is an independent study course for students working with their advisor toward the completion of their thesis.
Thesis Research AS.110.801 (12)
This is an independent study course for students working with their advisor toward the completion of their thesis.
Instructor: Dodson, Benjamin
Status: Open
Seats Available: 4/5
PosTag(s): n/a
AS.110.801 (13)
Thesis Research
Sire, Yannick
Fall 2024
This is an independent study course for students working with their advisor toward the completion of their thesis.
Thesis Research AS.110.801 (13)
This is an independent study course for students working with their advisor toward the completion of their thesis.
Instructor: Sire, Yannick
Status: Open
Seats Available: 4/5
PosTag(s): n/a
AS.110.801 (14)
Thesis Research
Gepner, David James
Fall 2024
This is an independent study course for students working with their advisor toward the completion of their thesis.
Thesis Research AS.110.801 (14)
This is an independent study course for students working with their advisor toward the completion of their thesis.
Instructor: Gepner, David James
Status: Open
Seats Available: 2/5
PosTag(s): n/a
AS.110.801 (15)
Thesis Research
Lu, Fei
Fall 2024
This is an independent study course for students working with their advisor toward the completion of their thesis.
Thesis Research AS.110.801 (15)
This is an independent study course for students working with their advisor toward the completion of their thesis.
Instructor: Lu, Fei
Status: Open
Seats Available: 4/5
PosTag(s): n/a
AS.110.801 (16)
Thesis Research
Han, Jingjun
Fall 2024
This is an independent study course for students working with their advisor toward the completion of their thesis.
Thesis Research AS.110.801 (16)
This is an independent study course for students working with their advisor toward the completion of their thesis.
Instructor: Han, Jingjun
Status: Open
Seats Available: 5/5
PosTag(s): n/a
AS.110.801 (17)
Thesis Research
Fall 2024
This is an independent study course for students working with their advisor toward the completion of their thesis.
Thesis Research AS.110.801 (17)
This is an independent study course for students working with their advisor toward the completion of their thesis.
Instructor: Mese, CHIKAKO
Status: Open
Seats Available: 4/5
PosTag(s): n/a
AS.110.895 (01)
Graduate Student Research
Sire, Yannick
Fall 2024
Graduate level research on a topic chosen by the professor and student.
Graduate Student Research AS.110.895 (01)
Graduate level research on a topic chosen by the professor and student.
Instructor: Sire, Yannick
Status: Open
Seats Available: 37/45
PosTag(s): n/a
AS.110.602 (01)
Algebra II
TTh 1:30PM - 2:45PM
Shokurov, Vyacheslav
Krieger 411
Spring 2025
An introductory graduate course on fundamental topics in algebra to provide the student with the foundations for Number Theory, Algebraic Geometry, and other advanced courses. Topics include group theory, commutative algebra, Noetherian rings, local rings, modules, and rudiments of category theory, homological algebra, field theory, Galois theory, and non-commutative algebras. Recommended Course Background: AS.110.401-AS.110.402
Algebra II AS.110.602 (01)
An introductory graduate course on fundamental topics in algebra to provide the student with the foundations for Number Theory, Algebraic Geometry, and other advanced courses. Topics include group theory, commutative algebra, Noetherian rings, local rings, modules, and rudiments of category theory, homological algebra, field theory, Galois theory, and non-commutative algebras. Recommended Course Background: AS.110.401-AS.110.402
Days/Times: TTh 1:30PM - 2:45PM
Instructor: Shokurov, Vyacheslav
Room: Krieger 411
Status: Open
Seats Available: 10/18
PosTag(s): n/a
AS.110.607 (01)
Complex Variables
TTh 10:30AM - 11:45AM
Wang, Yi
Krieger 411
Spring 2025
Analytic functions of one complex variable. Topics include Mittag-Leffler Theorem, Weierstrass factorization theorem, elliptic functions, Riemann-Roch theorem, Picard theorem, and Nevanlinna theory. Recommended Course Background: AS.110.311, AS.110.405
Complex Variables AS.110.607 (01)
Analytic functions of one complex variable. Topics include Mittag-Leffler Theorem, Weierstrass factorization theorem, elliptic functions, Riemann-Roch theorem, Picard theorem, and Nevanlinna theory. Recommended Course Background: AS.110.311, AS.110.405
Days/Times: TTh 10:30AM - 11:45AM
Instructor: Wang, Yi
Room: Krieger 411
Status: Waitlist Only
Seats Available: 0/12
PosTag(s): n/a
AS.110.616 (01)
Algebraic Topology II
MW 1:30PM - 2:45PM
Kitchloo, Nitya
Krieger 411
Spring 2025
Polyhedra, simplicial and singular homology theory, Lefschetz fixed-point theorem, cohomology and products, homological algebra, Künneth and universal coefficient theorems, Poincar&ecute; and Alexander duality theorems.
Algebraic Topology II AS.110.616 (01)
Polyhedra, simplicial and singular homology theory, Lefschetz fixed-point theorem, cohomology and products, homological algebra, Künneth and universal coefficient theorems, Poincar&ecute; and Alexander duality theorems.
Days/Times: MW 1:30PM - 2:45PM
Instructor: Kitchloo, Nitya
Room: Krieger 411
Status: Open
Seats Available: 10/15
PosTag(s): n/a
AS.110.618 (01)
Number Theory II
TTh 9:00AM - 10:15AM
Sakellaridis, Yiannis
Gilman 277
Spring 2025
Topics in advanced algebra and number theory. Possible topics for the year-long sequence include local and global fields, Galois cohomology, semisimple algebras, class field theory, elliptic curves, modular and automorphic forms, integral representations of L-functions, adelic geometry and function fields, fundamental notions in arithmetic geometry (including Arakelov and diophantine geometry).
Number Theory II AS.110.618 (01)
Topics in advanced algebra and number theory. Possible topics for the year-long sequence include local and global fields, Galois cohomology, semisimple algebras, class field theory, elliptic curves, modular and automorphic forms, integral representations of L-functions, adelic geometry and function fields, fundamental notions in arithmetic geometry (including Arakelov and diophantine geometry).
Days/Times: TTh 9:00AM - 10:15AM
Instructor: Sakellaridis, Yiannis
Room: Gilman 277
Status: Open
Seats Available: 8/15
PosTag(s): n/a
AS.110.619 (01)
Lie Groups and Lie Algebras
MW 10:30AM - 11:45AM
Li, Huajie
Krieger 411
Spring 2025
Lie groups and Lie algebras, classification of complex semi-simple Lie algebras, compact forms, representations and Weyl formulas, symmetric Riemannian spaces.
Lie Groups and Lie Algebras AS.110.619 (01)
Lie groups and Lie algebras, classification of complex semi-simple Lie algebras, compact forms, representations and Weyl formulas, symmetric Riemannian spaces.
Days/Times: MW 10:30AM - 11:45AM
Instructor: Li, Huajie
Room: Krieger 411
Status: Open
Seats Available: 4/10
PosTag(s): n/a
AS.110.632 (01)
Partial Differential Equations II
MW 1:30PM - 2:45PM
Dodson, Benjamin
Croft Hall B32
Spring 2025
An introductory graduate course in partial differential equations. Classical topics include first order equations and characteristics, the Cauchy-Kowalevski theorem, Laplace's equation, heat equation, wave equation, fundamental solutions, weak solutions, Sobolev spaces, maximum principles. The second term focuses on special topics such as second order elliptic theory.
Partial Differential Equations II AS.110.632 (01)
An introductory graduate course in partial differential equations. Classical topics include first order equations and characteristics, the Cauchy-Kowalevski theorem, Laplace's equation, heat equation, wave equation, fundamental solutions, weak solutions, Sobolev spaces, maximum principles. The second term focuses on special topics such as second order elliptic theory.
Days/Times: MW 1:30PM - 2:45PM
Instructor: Dodson, Benjamin
Room: Croft Hall B32
Status: Open
Seats Available: 9/12
PosTag(s): n/a
AS.110.633 (01)
Harmonic Analysis
MW 12:00PM - 1:15PM
Park, Chamsol
Bloomberg 178
Spring 2025
Fourier multipliers, oscillatory integrals, restriction theorems, Fourier integral operators, pseudodifferential operators, eigenfunctions. Undergrads need instructor's permission.
Harmonic Analysis AS.110.633 (01)
Fourier multipliers, oscillatory integrals, restriction theorems, Fourier integral operators, pseudodifferential operators, eigenfunctions. Undergrads need instructor's permission.
Days/Times: MW 12:00PM - 1:15PM
Instructor: Park, Chamsol
Room: Bloomberg 178
Status: Open
Seats Available: 7/15
PosTag(s): n/a
AS.110.644 (01)
Algebraic Geometry II
TTh 12:00PM - 1:15PM
Zhuang, Ziquan
Krieger 411
Spring 2025
Introduction to affine varieties and projective varieties. Hilbert's theorems about polynomials in several variables with their connections to geometry. Abstract algebraic varieties and projective geometry. Dimension of varieties and smooth varieties. Sheaf theory and some notions of cohomology. Applications of sheaves to geometry; e.g., theory of divisors, rudiments of scheme theory for the understanding of the Riemann-Roch theorem for curves and surfaces. Other topics may include Jacobian varieties, resolution of singularities, birational geometry on surfaces, schemes, connections with complex analytic geometry and topology.
Algebraic Geometry II AS.110.644 (01)
Introduction to affine varieties and projective varieties. Hilbert's theorems about polynomials in several variables with their connections to geometry. Abstract algebraic varieties and projective geometry. Dimension of varieties and smooth varieties. Sheaf theory and some notions of cohomology. Applications of sheaves to geometry; e.g., theory of divisors, rudiments of scheme theory for the understanding of the Riemann-Roch theorem for curves and surfaces. Other topics may include Jacobian varieties, resolution of singularities, birational geometry on surfaces, schemes, connections with complex analytic geometry and topology.
Days/Times: TTh 12:00PM - 1:15PM
Instructor: Zhuang, Ziquan
Room: Krieger 411
Status: Open
Seats Available: 6/10
PosTag(s): n/a
AS.110.646 (01)
Riemannian Geometry II
MW 12:00PM - 1:15PM
Restrepo Montoya, Daniel Eduardo
Krieger 411
Spring 2025
The goal of the course is to provide basic notions on the theory of smooth manifolds: Tangent and cotangent bundles, submanifold theory, Lie group actions, Tensor analysis, Differential forms and De Rham cohomology, Integration theory, Hodge theory and Bochner technique. Recommended Course Background: AS.110.645.
Riemannian Geometry II AS.110.646 (01)
The goal of the course is to provide basic notions on the theory of smooth manifolds: Tangent and cotangent bundles, submanifold theory, Lie group actions, Tensor analysis, Differential forms and De Rham cohomology, Integration theory, Hodge theory and Bochner technique. Recommended Course Background: AS.110.645.
Days/Times: MW 12:00PM - 1:15PM
Instructor: Restrepo Montoya, Daniel Eduardo
Room: Krieger 411
Status: Open
Seats Available: 8/15
PosTag(s): n/a
AS.110.653 (01)
Stochastic Differential Equations: An Introduction With Applications
MW 8:30AM - 9:45AM
Wang, Xiong
Krieger 411
Spring 2025
This course is an introduction to stochastic differential equations and applications. Basic topics to be reviewed include Ito and Stratonovich integrals, Ito formula, SDEs and their integration. The course will focus on diffusion processes and diffusion theory, with topics include Markov properties, generator, Kolmogrov’s equations (Fokker-Planck equation), Feynman-Kac formula, the martingale problem, Girsanov theorem, stability and ergodicity. The course will briefly introduce applications, with topics include statistical inference of SDEs, filtering and control.
Stochastic Differential Equations: An Introduction With Applications AS.110.653 (01)
This course is an introduction to stochastic differential equations and applications. Basic topics to be reviewed include Ito and Stratonovich integrals, Ito formula, SDEs and their integration. The course will focus on diffusion processes and diffusion theory, with topics include Markov properties, generator, Kolmogrov’s equations (Fokker-Planck equation), Feynman-Kac formula, the martingale problem, Girsanov theorem, stability and ergodicity. The course will briefly introduce applications, with topics include statistical inference of SDEs, filtering and control.
Days/Times: MW 8:30AM - 9:45AM
Instructor: Wang, Xiong
Room: Krieger 411
Status: Open
Seats Available: 3/20
PosTag(s): n/a
AS.110.737 (01)
Topics in Algebraic Geometry
TTh 12:00PM - 1:15PM
Consani, Caterina (Katia)
Krieger 204
Spring 2025
Topics covered will vary from year to year and are at the discretion of the instructor.
Topics in Algebraic Geometry AS.110.737 (01)
Topics covered will vary from year to year and are at the discretion of the instructor.
Days/Times: TTh 12:00PM - 1:15PM
Instructor: Consani, Caterina (Katia)
Room: Krieger 204
Status: Open
Seats Available: 4/8
PosTag(s): n/a
AS.110.771 (01)
Mathematics GTA Teaching Seminar
TTh 9:00AM - 10:15AM
Braley, Emily
Krieger 411
Spring 2025
The goals of this seminar center on the preparedness for graduate students in mathematics to engage in classroom instructions for undergraduates at Johns Hopkins University. This seminar augments the teaching orientation provided to graduate students by the CER and Mathematics Department by addressing (1) teaching-techniques: student-centered inclusive teaching strategies, facilitating small group work, incorporating student ideas and student thinking into active hole class discussions, and choosing appropriate mathematical tasks, (2) opportunities for practice teaching in classrooms before their first assignment to TA for a course in scaffolded micro-teaching experiences and (3) preparing for the practice of and documentation of a reflective teaching practice necessary for success in their careers as mathematicians and educators.
Mathematics GTA Teaching Seminar AS.110.771 (01)
The goals of this seminar center on the preparedness for graduate students in mathematics to engage in classroom instructions for undergraduates at Johns Hopkins University. This seminar augments the teaching orientation provided to graduate students by the CER and Mathematics Department by addressing (1) teaching-techniques: student-centered inclusive teaching strategies, facilitating small group work, incorporating student ideas and student thinking into active hole class discussions, and choosing appropriate mathematical tasks, (2) opportunities for practice teaching in classrooms before their first assignment to TA for a course in scaffolded micro-teaching experiences and (3) preparing for the practice of and documentation of a reflective teaching practice necessary for success in their careers as mathematicians and educators.
Days/Times: TTh 9:00AM - 10:15AM
Instructor: Braley, Emily
Room: Krieger 411
Status: Open
Seats Available: 7/15
PosTag(s): n/a
AS.110.801 (01)
Thesis Research
Riehl, EMILY
Spring 2025
This is an independent study course for students working with their advisor toward the completion of their thesis.
Thesis Research AS.110.801 (01)
This is an independent study course for students working with their advisor toward the completion of their thesis.
Instructor: Riehl, EMILY
Status: Open
Seats Available: 2/5
PosTag(s): n/a
AS.110.801 (02)
Thesis Research
Consani, Caterina (Katia)
Spring 2025
This is an independent study course for students working with their advisor toward the completion of their thesis.
Thesis Research AS.110.801 (02)
This is an independent study course for students working with their advisor toward the completion of their thesis.
Instructor: Consani, Caterina (Katia)
Status: Open
Seats Available: 4/5
PosTag(s): n/a
AS.110.801 (03)
Thesis Research
Lindblad, Hans
Spring 2025
This is an independent study course for students working with their advisor toward the completion of their thesis.
Thesis Research AS.110.801 (03)
This is an independent study course for students working with their advisor toward the completion of their thesis.
Instructor: Lindblad, Hans
Status: Open
Seats Available: 4/5
PosTag(s): n/a
AS.110.801 (04)
Thesis Research
Sogge, Christopher Donald
Spring 2025
This is an independent study course for students working with their advisor toward the completion of their thesis.
Thesis Research AS.110.801 (04)
This is an independent study course for students working with their advisor toward the completion of their thesis.
Instructor: Sogge, Christopher Donald
Status: Open
Seats Available: 2/5
PosTag(s): n/a
AS.110.801 (05)
Thesis Research
Sakellaridis, Yiannis
Spring 2025
This is an independent study course for students working with their advisor toward the completion of their thesis.
Thesis Research AS.110.801 (05)
This is an independent study course for students working with their advisor toward the completion of their thesis.
Instructor: Sakellaridis, Yiannis
Status: Open
Seats Available: 3/5
PosTag(s): n/a
AS.110.801 (06)
Thesis Research
Maggioni, Mauro
Spring 2025
This is an independent study course for students working with their advisor toward the completion of their thesis.
Thesis Research AS.110.801 (06)
This is an independent study course for students working with their advisor toward the completion of their thesis.
Instructor: Maggioni, Mauro
Status: Open
Seats Available: 4/5
PosTag(s): n/a
AS.110.801 (07)
Thesis Research
Kitchloo, Nitya
Spring 2025
This is an independent study course for students working with their advisor toward the completion of their thesis.
Thesis Research AS.110.801 (07)
This is an independent study course for students working with their advisor toward the completion of their thesis.
Instructor: Kitchloo, Nitya
Status: Open
Seats Available: 4/5
PosTag(s): n/a
AS.110.801 (08)
Thesis Research
Shokurov, Vyacheslav
Spring 2025
This is an independent study course for students working with their advisor toward the completion of their thesis.
Thesis Research AS.110.801 (08)
This is an independent study course for students working with their advisor toward the completion of their thesis.
Instructor: Shokurov, Vyacheslav
Status: Open
Seats Available: 4/5
PosTag(s): n/a
AS.110.801 (09)
Thesis Research
Wang, Yi
Spring 2025
This is an independent study course for students working with their advisor toward the completion of their thesis.
Thesis Research AS.110.801 (09)
This is an independent study course for students working with their advisor toward the completion of their thesis.
Instructor: Wang, Yi
Status: Open
Seats Available: 5/5
PosTag(s): n/a
AS.110.801 (10)
Thesis Research
Bernstein, Jacob
Spring 2025
This is an independent study course for students working with their advisor toward the completion of their thesis.
Thesis Research AS.110.801 (10)
This is an independent study course for students working with their advisor toward the completion of their thesis.
Instructor: Bernstein, Jacob
Status: Open
Seats Available: 2/5
PosTag(s): n/a
AS.110.801 (12)
Thesis Research
Dodson, Benjamin
Spring 2025
This is an independent study course for students working with their advisor toward the completion of their thesis.
Thesis Research AS.110.801 (12)
This is an independent study course for students working with their advisor toward the completion of their thesis.
Instructor: Dodson, Benjamin
Status: Open
Seats Available: 4/5
PosTag(s): n/a
AS.110.801 (13)
Thesis Research
Sire, Yannick
Spring 2025
This is an independent study course for students working with their advisor toward the completion of their thesis.
Thesis Research AS.110.801 (13)
This is an independent study course for students working with their advisor toward the completion of their thesis.
Instructor: Sire, Yannick
Status: Open
Seats Available: 3/5
PosTag(s): n/a
AS.110.801 (14)
Thesis Research
Gepner, David James
Spring 2025
This is an independent study course for students working with their advisor toward the completion of their thesis.
Thesis Research AS.110.801 (14)
This is an independent study course for students working with their advisor toward the completion of their thesis.
Instructor: Gepner, David James
Status: Open
Seats Available: 1/5
PosTag(s): n/a
AS.110.801 (15)
Thesis Research
Lu, Fei
Spring 2025
This is an independent study course for students working with their advisor toward the completion of their thesis.
Thesis Research AS.110.801 (15)
This is an independent study course for students working with their advisor toward the completion of their thesis.
Instructor: Lu, Fei
Status: Open
Seats Available: 4/5
PosTag(s): n/a
AS.110.801 (17)
Thesis Research
Spring 2025
This is an independent study course for students working with their advisor toward the completion of their thesis.
Thesis Research AS.110.801 (17)
This is an independent study course for students working with their advisor toward the completion of their thesis.
Instructor: Mese, CHIKAKO
Status: Open
Seats Available: 4/5
PosTag(s): n/a
AS.110.895 (01)
Graduate Student Research
Sire, Yannick
Spring 2025
Graduate level research on a topic chosen by the professor and student.
Graduate Student Research AS.110.895 (01)
Graduate level research on a topic chosen by the professor and student.