Title: Arnold-Thom conjecture for the arrival time of surfacesAbstract: Following Łojasiewicz's uniqueness theorem and Thom's gradient conjecture, Arnold proposed a stronger version about the existence of limit tangents of gradient […]
Title: Near-center derivatives and arithmetic 1-cycles Abstract: Degrees of arithmetic special cycles on Shimura varieties are expected to appear in first derivatives of automorphic forms and L-functions, such as in […]
Title: Transfer operators in the language of quantization. Reference: https://arxiv.org/abs/2111.03004
Title: Some recent developments on the fully nonlinear Yamabe problems Abstract: In recent joint work with YanYan Li and Zongyuan Li, we broaden the scope of fully nonlinear Yamabe problems by […]
Title: Stable Reduction via the Log Canonical Model.Abstract: We will discuss a natural perspective on stable reduction that extends Deligne--Mumford's stable reduction for curves to higher dimensions. From this perspective, we will […]
Title: Beyond Endoscopy: Poisson Summation Formula and Kuznetsov Trace Formula on GL_2. Abstract: In the first part of the talk, we will give a direct proof of a Poisson summation […]
Title: The Sato–Tate ConjectureAbstract: We will motivate and state the Sato–Tate conjecture for elliptic curves. If we have time remaining, we will indicate how potential automorphy results are used in its proof.
Title: Covering Lemmas in Analysis and GeometryAbstract: Covering lemmas are fundamental tools in mathematical analysis, with deep connections to the geometry of Euclidean spaces. In this talk, we will explore key […]