Title: Stable Reduction via the Log Canonical Model.Abstract: We will discuss a natural perspective on stable reduction that extends Deligne--Mumford's stable reduction for curves to higher dimensions. From this perspective, we will […]
Title: Beyond Endoscopy: Poisson Summation Formula and Kuznetsov Trace Formula on GL_2. Abstract: In the first part of the talk, we will give a direct proof of a Poisson summation […]
Title: The Sato–Tate ConjectureAbstract: We will motivate and state the Sato–Tate conjecture for elliptic curves. If we have time remaining, we will indicate how potential automorphy results are used in its proof.
Title: Covering Lemmas in Analysis and GeometryAbstract: Covering lemmas are fundamental tools in mathematical analysis, with deep connections to the geometry of Euclidean spaces. In this talk, we will explore key […]
Title: Developing a library of formalized mathematics from a univalent point of view Abstract: The agda-unimath project started in November 2021, at a meeting called Univalent Foundations for Daily Applications. […]
Title: Finite time explosion for SPDEs Abstract: The classical existence and uniqueness theorems for SPDEs prove that, under appropriate assumptions, SPDEs with globally Lipschitz continuous forcing terms have unique global […]
Title: Cantor Dynamical Systems, Bratteli Diagrams, and Their Associated Full GroupsAbstract: If a countable group G acts on a Cantor set X, one can enlarge G to a (still countable) […]
Title: Du Bois invariants for isolated singularities.Abstract: The Du Bois invariants are natural invariants for singularities. In this talk, I will explain what they are, why they are interesting, and report on […]
Title: A survey of enriched categoriesAbstract: We'll recall some rudiments of the notion of a category, including some examples such as the category Set of sets and functions, the category Vect […]
Title: Affine and asymptotic Hecke algebras Abstract: Affine Hecke algebras play a prominent role the representation theory of p-adic groups, where a large subcategory of representations are equivalent to modules […]
Title : Scalar curvature comparison and rigidity of 3-dimensional weakly convex domains Abstract: I will discuss a comparison and rigidity result of scalar curvature and scaled mean curvature on the […]