Topology Seminar: Rudradip Biswas (Warwick)
Remsen 101Title and abstract TBA
Title and abstract TBA
Title and abstract TBA
Title and abstract TBA
Title and abstract TBA
Title and abstract TBA
Title: Cantor Dynamical Systems, Bratteli Diagrams, and Their Associated Full GroupsAbstract: If a countable group G acts on a Cantor set X, one can enlarge G to a (still countable) […]
Title: A Comparison of Two Supercharacter TheoriesAbstract: In 2008, P. Diaconis and I.M. Isaacs introduced a generalization of classical character theory, which they called supercharacter theory. Let X be a […]
Title: Two-row Delta Springer varietiesAbstract: I will discuss the geometry and topology of a certain family of so-called Delta Springer varieties from an explicit, diagrammatic point of view. These singular varieties […]
Title: Monoidal complete Segal spaces. Abstract: Viewing a monoid as a category with a single object allows us to encode the binary operation using the properties of composition and associativity […]
Title and abstract TBA
Title and abstract TBA