Thesis Defense: Yang He
Krieger 413Title: Syzygies of Mori fibre spaces
Title: Syzygies of Mori fibre spaces
Title: Torsion vanishing for some Shimura varietiesAbstract: We will discuss joint work with Linus Hamann on generalizing the torsion-vanishing results of Caraiani-Scholze and Koshikawa for the cohomology of Shimura varieties. We […]
Title: Computer Assisted Proof of Finite Time Singularity of the 3D Euler Equations Abstract: Whether the 3D incompressible Navier-Stokes equations can develop a finite time singularity from smooth initial data […]
Title: The inverse spectral problem for ellipses Abstract: This talk is about Kac‘s inverse problem from 1966: "Can one hear the shape of a drum?" The question asks whether […]
Title and abstract TBA
Plancherel formula 2
Title: What is an automorphic representation? Abstract: Andrew Wiles' famous proof of Fermat's last theorem was crucially based on constructing a mysterious connection between two classes of mathematical objects: "modular forms" […]
Title: Boundary behavior of the Allen-Cahn equation and the construction of free boundary minimal hypersurfacesAbstract: In the late 70s, the work of Modica, Mortola, De Giorgi, and many others established […]
Title: Liquid & gaseous modules
Title: Isotrivial fibrations of hyper-Kähler manifolds.Abstract: A Lagrangian fibration of a projective hyper-Kähler manifold is called isotrivial if its smooth (abelian variety) fibers are all isomorphic to each other. Given an isotrivial […]
Title: Twisted Gan-Gross-Prasad conjecture and arithmetic fundamental lemma Abstract: The twisted Gan-Gross-Prasad (GGP) conjecture opens a way of studying (a twist of) central Asai L-values via descents and period integrals. […]