Thesis Defense: Chutian Ma
Krieger 413Title: On the Global Well-posedness and Scattering of the Schrödinger and Wave equations on the Hyperbolic Spaces
Title: On the Global Well-posedness and Scattering of the Schrödinger and Wave equations on the Hyperbolic Spaces
Title: Wall crossing for moduli of stable pairs.Abstract: Hassett showed that there are natural reduction morphisms between moduli spaces of weighted pointed stable curves when we reduce weights. I will discuss some […]
Title: TBA Abstract: TBA
Title: Monoidal complete Segal spaces. Abstract: Viewing a monoid as a category with a single object allows us to encode the binary operation using the properties of composition and associativity […]
Title: Automorphic Representations and Quantum Logic Gates Abstract: Any construction of a quantum computer requires finding a good set of universal quantum logic gates: abstractly, a finite set of matrices […]
Weyl law improvement on product of Zoll manifold
Abstract and Title TBD