Title: Tame Betti local Langlands Abstract: Representations of finite Weyl groups can be realized inside the top cohomology of Springer fibers. By replacing cohomology by equivariant K-theory, Kazhdan and Lusztig […]
Title: A Comparison of Two Supercharacter TheoriesAbstract: In 2008, P. Diaconis and I.M. Isaacs introduced a generalization of classical character theory, which they called supercharacter theory. Let X be a […]
Title: Gradescope Grading and Rubric Creation. Abstract: “Gradescope Grading and Rubric Creation” is designed for Mathematics teaching assistants. This workshop aims to support TA's in building consistent Gradescope rubrics, determining […]
Title: Non-uniqueness of mean curvature flow Abstract: The smooth mean curvature flow often develops singularities, making weak solutions essential for extending the flow beyond singular times, as well as having […]
Title: Wait! That Cannot Be RightAbstract: In this talk proofs will be presented that contain an incorrect step or include an incorrect assumption. This will lead us to prove concepts […]
Title: The Utility of L-FunctionsAbstract: Following Serre, we will explain how L-functions and potential automorphy results enter the proof of the Sato–Tate conjecture for elliptic curves. If we have time remaining, […]
Title: Minimal Log Discrepancy and Orbifold Curves.Abstract: We show that the minimal log discrepancy of any isolated Fano cone singularity is at most the dimension of the variety. This is based on […]
This event will feature a panel of faculty from our math department to provide support for students seeking to learn more about the process of applying to graduate school in […]
Title: The geometry of singular Kahler-Einstein metricsAbstract: The existence of a Kahler-Einstein metric can be a powerful tool to study complex manifolds. To use similar methods in the study of […]
Title: Two-row Delta Springer varietiesAbstract: I will discuss the geometry and topology of a certain family of so-called Delta Springer varieties from an explicit, diagrammatic point of view. These singular varieties […]
Title: Weak homotopy types of finite spaces Abstract: Can you construct an example of a topological space with only 4 points whose fundamental group is isomorphic to the group of […]