Title: Positive scalar curvature and exotic structures on simply connected four manifolds.Abstract: We address Gromov’s band width inequality and Rosenberg’s S1-stability conjecture for smooth four manifolds. Both results are known to be false in dimension 4 due to counterexamples based on Seiberg-Witten invariants. Nevertheless, we show that both of these results hold upon considering simply […]
Title: An intrinsic approach to moduli theoryAbstract: A central problem in algebraic geometry is to construct and study moduli spaces of objects of interesting geometric objects. The classical tool for this is geometric invariant theory, which requires you to approximate a moduli problem by an orbit space X/G for some reductive group G acting on […]
Title: Euler Systems for certain non-unique models Abstract: Pushforwards of Beilinson's Eisenstein symbols into the motives of Shimura varieties provide fertile grounds for exploring instances of the Beilinson–Bloch–Kato conjectures, particularly when these constructions are accompanied by period integral representations. About a decade ago, Pollack and Shah introduced two novel Rankin–Selberg integral representations: one for the […]
Title: Circle bundles with PSC over large manifolds Abstract: In his seminal work on metric inequalities for scalar curvature, Gromov asked whether total spaces of circles bundles over enlargeable manifolds can admit metrics with positive scalar curvature. We answer this question in all dimensions and construct infinitely many such examples over manifolds dimension 4 and above, […]
Title: Period sheaves on Bun_G. Reference: Feng and Wang's duality periods .
Title: Arnold-Thom conjecture for the arrival time of surfacesAbstract: Following Łojasiewicz's uniqueness theorem and Thom's gradient conjecture, Arnold proposed a stronger version about the existence of limit tangents of gradient flow lines for analytic functions. In this talk, I will explain the proof of Łojasiewicz's theorem and Arnold's conjecture in the context of arrival time […]
Title: Near-center derivatives and arithmetic 1-cycles Abstract: Degrees of arithmetic special cycles on Shimura varieties are expected to appear in first derivatives of automorphic forms and L-functions, such as in the Gross--Zagier formula, Kudla's program, and the Arithmetic Gan--Gross--Prasad program. I will explain some “near-central” instances of an arithmetic Siegel--Weil formula from Kudla’s program, which […]
Title: Transfer operators in the language of quantization. Reference: https://arxiv.org/abs/2111.03004