Category Theory Seminar: Daniel Carranza (JHU)
Krieger 413Formalizing cotensors in Lean.
Formalizing cotensors in Lean.
Title: Optimal observability times for wave and Schrodinger equations on really simple domainsAbstract: Observability for evolution equations asks: if I take a partial measurement in a system, can it “see” some physical quantity, such as energy? In a series of papers with E. Stafford, Z. Lu, and S. Carpenter, we showed that energy for the […]
Title: Shimura Varieties and Eigensheaves Abstract: The cohomology of Shimura varieties is a fundamental object of study in algebraic number theory by virtue of the fact that it is the only known geometric realization of the global Langlands correspondence over number fields. Usually, the cohomology is computed through very delicate techniques involving the trace formula. […]
Rather than a seminar talk, this week we will meet to brainstorm on the relation between Euler systems and harmonic analysis.
Topic: Formalizing ∞-category theory in Lean
Title: Existence of 5 minimal tori in 3-spheres of positive Ricci curvatureAbstract: In 1989, Brian White conjectured that every Riemannian 3-sphere contains at least five embedded minimal tori. The number five is optimal, corresponding to the Lyusternik-Schnirelmann category of the space of Clifford tori. I will present recent joint work with Adrian Chu, where we […]
Title: Linear Chern-Hopf-Thurston conjectureAbstract: The Chern-Hopf-Thurston conjecture asserts that for a closed, aspherical manifold X of dimension 2d, the Euler characteristics satisfies $(-1)^dchi(X)geq 0$. In this talk, we present a proof of the conjecture for projective manifolds whose fundamental groups admit an almost faithful linear representation. Moreover, we establish a stronger result: all perverse sheaves on X […]
Title: p-adic L-functions for GSp(4)times GL(2) Abstract: I'll explain a construction of p-adic L-functions for GSp(4)times GL(2) by using Furusawa's integral and the proof of its interpolation formula. I'll describe how local functional equations are used to compute the zeta intgerals at p and how the archimedean integrals are computed by using Yoshida lifts together […]
Title and abstract TBA
Title: The Weil representation.
Topic: Formalizing ∞-Category Theory in Lean