Title: Decomposition problem for topological Azumaya algebras with an involution of the first kindAbstract: Topological Azumaya algebras (TAAs) over a space are topological shadows of more complicated algebraic Azumaya algebras defined over schemes. Tensor product is a well-defined operation on TAAs. Hence given a TAA $mathcal{A}$ of degree $mn$ over $X$, where $m$ and $n$ […]
Title: A fourth-order Escobar-Yamabe problem on a half-ballAbstract: The celebrated Yamabe problem asks us to make a conformal change on a compact Riemannian manifold such that the scalar curvature becomes constant. The (Type-II) Escobar-Yamabe problem is to make a conformal change on a compact Riemannian manifold with boundary so that the scalar curvature vanishes and […]
Title: Local-global compatibility over function fields Abstract: We show that V. Lafforgue's global Langlands correspondence is compatible with Fargues–Scholze's semisimplified local Langlands correspondence. As a result, we canonically lift Fargues–Scholze's construction to a non-semisimplified local Langlands correspondence for fields of characteristic ≥ 5. We also deduce that Fargues–Scholze's construction agrees with that of Genestier–Lafforgue, answering a question of Fargues–Scholze, Hansen, […]