Analysis seminar: Davi Maximo (UPenn)
Krieger 306Title: The geometry and topology of lower bounds on scalar curvatureAbstract: In this talk, I will discuss some recent results about controlling the geometry and topology of manifolds from a […]
Title: The geometry and topology of lower bounds on scalar curvatureAbstract: In this talk, I will discuss some recent results about controlling the geometry and topology of manifolds from a […]
Title: On isolated singularities and generic regularity of min-max CMC hypersurfacesAbstract: Smooth constant mean curvature (CMC) hypersurfaces serve as effective tools to study the geometry and topology of Riemannian manifolds. […]
Tittle: Partial regularity for Lipschitz solutions to the minimal surface system Abstract: The minimal surface system is the Euler-Lagrange system for the area functional of a high codimension graph and reduces […]
Title: The Lawson-Osserman conjecture for the minimal surface systemAbstract: In their seminal work on the minimal surface system, Lawson and Osserman conjectured that Lipschitz graphs that are critical points of […]
Title: The Nevo-Thangavelu spherical maximal function on two step nilpotent Lie groups.Consider R^d times R^m with the group structure of a 2-step Carnot Lie group and natural parabolic dilations. The […]
Title: Optimal observability times for wave and Schrodinger equations on really simple domainsAbstract: Observability for evolution equations asks: if I take a partial measurement in a system, can it “see” […]
Title: Existence of 5 minimal tori in 3-spheres of positive Ricci curvatureAbstract: In 1989, Brian White conjectured that every Riemannian 3-sphere contains at least five embedded minimal tori. The number […]
Title: The Saint Venant inequality and quantitative resolvent estimates for the Dirichlet Laplacian.Abstract: Among all cylindrical beams of a given material, those with circular cross sections are the most resistant […]
Title: Restriction estimates for spectral projectionsAbstract: Restriction estimates for spectral projections have been widely studied since the work of Burq, Gérard, and Tzvetkov as a method for investigating eigenfunction concentration. […]
Title: Positive scalar curvature and exotic structures on simply connected four manifolds.Abstract: We address Gromov’s band width inequality and Rosenberg’s S1-stability conjecture for smooth four manifolds. Both results are known […]
Title: Arnold-Thom conjecture for the arrival time of surfacesAbstract: Following Łojasiewicz's uniqueness theorem and Thom's gradient conjecture, Arnold proposed a stronger version about the existence of limit tangents of gradient […]
Title: Some recent developments on the fully nonlinear Yamabe problems Abstract: In recent joint work with YanYan Li and Zongyuan Li, we broaden the scope of fully nonlinear Yamabe problems by […]