Euler systems working session
Krieger 413Rather than a seminar talk, this week we will meet to brainstorm on the relation between Euler systems and harmonic analysis.
Rather than a seminar talk, this week we will meet to brainstorm on the relation between Euler systems and harmonic analysis.
Topic: Formalizing ∞-category theory in Lean
Title: Existence of 5 minimal tori in 3-spheres of positive Ricci curvatureAbstract: In 1989, Brian White conjectured that every Riemannian 3-sphere contains at least five embedded minimal tori. The number […]
Title: Linear Chern-Hopf-Thurston conjectureAbstract: The Chern-Hopf-Thurston conjecture asserts that for a closed, aspherical manifold X of dimension 2d, the Euler characteristics satisfies $(-1)^dchi(X)geq 0$. In this talk, we present a proof of […]
Title: p-adic L-functions for GSp(4)times GL(2) Abstract: I'll explain a construction of p-adic L-functions for GSp(4)times GL(2) by using Furusawa's integral and the proof of its interpolation formula. I'll describe […]
Title and abstract TBA
Title: The Weil representation.
Topic: Formalizing ∞-Category Theory in Lean
Title: The Saint Venant inequality and quantitative resolvent estimates for the Dirichlet Laplacian.Abstract: Among all cylindrical beams of a given material, those with circular cross sections are the most resistant […]
Title: Reconstructing schemes from their étale topoi.Abstract: In Grothendieck’s 1983 letter to Faltings that initiated the study of anabelian geometry, he conjectured that a large class of schemes can be reconstructed from […]
Title: Towards Bezrukavnikov's geometrization of affine Hecke algebras in mixed-characteristics Abstract: Let G be a connected reductive group over a p-adic field. Kazhdan and Lusztig established an isomorphism between the extended […]
Title and abstract TBA