Category Theory Seminar: Akira Tominaga
Krieger 413Title: Locally compact abelian groups
Title: Locally compact abelian groups
Title: A non-Archimedean characterization of local K-stability.Abstract: Log Fano cone singularities are generalizations of affine cones over Fano varieties. Motivated by the study of canonical metrics on Fano varieties, there is a […]
Title: Fourier Interpolation and the Weil Representation Abstract: In 2017, Radchenko-Viazovska proved a remarkable interpolation result for even Schwartz functions on the real line: such a function is entirely determined […]
Title: Springer resolution and representation theoryAbstract: Given a connected complex reductive group G, I would like to explain how doing geometry on the Springer resolution and the Steinberg variety allows […]
Title: Interpolation for Brill–Noether Curves Abstract: The interpolation problem is one of the oldest problems in mathematics. In its most broad form it asks: When can a curve of a […]
Title: Interpolation for Brill–Noether Curves Abstract: The interpolation problem is one of the oldest problems in mathematics. In its most broad form it asks: When can a curve of a […]
Title: The unipotent categorical local Langlands correspondence. Abstract: I will discuss a conjectural categorical form of the local Langlands correspondence for p-adic groups and establish the unipotent part of such […]
Title: The unipotent categorical local Langlands correspondence. Abstract: I will discuss a conjectural categorical form of the local Langlands correspondence for p-adic groups and establish the unipotent part of such […]
Title: Differential topology for diamonds Abstract: This is a gentle introduction to a new theory assigning Tangent Bundles to many non-classical objects in p-adic geometry, including the period domains and […]
Title: Differential topology for diamonds Abstract: This is a gentle introduction to a new theory assigning Tangent Bundles to many non-classical objects in p-adic geometry, including the period domains and […]
Title: Coherence for pseudo symmetric multifunctors and applications to $K$-theoryAbstract: Multicategories where introduced by Elmendorf and Mandell in homotopy theory as an alternative way to encode multiplicative structures in the […]
Title: Singularities in minimal submanifoldsAbstract: In the last few years there have been significant developments in techniques used to understand singularities within minimal submanifolds. I will discuss this circle of ideas and […]