Number theory seminar: Rebecca Bellovin (IAS)

Ames 218

Title: Modularity of trianguline Galois representations Abstract: The Fontaine-Mazur conjecture (proved by Kisin and Emerton) says that (under certain technical hypotheses) a Galois representation rho: Gal_Q -> GL2(Qp) is modular […]

Automorphic forms learning seminar: Rahul Dalal

Krieger 413

Title: Speculations on Computing with the Relative Trace FormulaAbstract: I will discuss and motivate the problem of computing statistics of automorphic representations. Many statistics have been computed previously using "explicit" forms […]

Category Theory Seminar: Qing Qi

Krieger 413

Title: Condensed abelian groups IAbstract: We will talk about the categories of κ-condensed abelian groups with Grothendieck axioms and why they are the abelian category of the nicest possible sort.