Topology Seminar: Scott Baldridge (LSU)

Remsen 101

Title: A Khovanov-like Categorification of the Four Color TheoremAbstract: The four color theorem states that each bridgeless trivalent planar graph has a proper 4-face coloring. It can be generalized to […]

Analysis seminar: Kobe Marshall-Stevens (JHU)

Krieger 306

Title: On isolated singularities and generic regularity of min-max CMC hypersurfacesAbstract: Smooth constant mean curvature (CMC) hypersurfaces serve as effective tools to study the geometry and topology of Riemannian manifolds. […]

Topology Seminar: Dennis Chen (Berkeley)

Remsen 101

Title: Rectification of Coalgebras Abstract: There are two ways of talking about homotopy coherent algebras. One is to use model theoretic ideas: given a nice model category (C, W), one […]