AWM Seminar with Dr. Emily Riehl

Wyman Park Building N425

 Dr. Riehl will be giving an interactive talk where we will play the natural numbers game and learn about formalizing mathematics in a computer-proof assistant! We ask that everyone who […]

Topology Seminar: Andrew Salch (Wayne State)

Maryland 110

Title: ell-adic topological Jacquet-Langlands duality   Abstract: I will describe the construction of an "ell-adic topological Jacquet-Langlands (TJL) dual" of each finite CW-complex. One effect of the TJL dual is […]

Analysis seminar: Jingwen Chen (UPenn)

Krieger 302

Title: Mean curvature flow with multiplicity 2 convergence Abstract: Mean curvature flow (MCF) has been widely studied in recent decades, and higher multiplicity convergence is an important topic in the study […]

Topology Seminar: Lorenzo Riva (Notre Dame)

Maryland 110

Title: Constructing (infinity,n)-categories with desired properties Abstract: In this talk I want to describe a specific example of a symmetric monoidal (infinity,3)-category of generalized spans with local systems (a la […]

Thesis Defense: Junfu Yao

Krieger 413

Title: On a Mountain-pass Theorem in Hyperbolic Space and its Application