Topology Seminar: Tasos Moulinos (IAS)
Maryland 110Title and abstract TBA
Title and abstract TBA
Title: A Hodge-theoretic proof of Hwang's theoremAbstract: I will explain a Hodge-theoretic proof for Hwang's theorem, which says that if the base of a Lagrangian fibration on an irreducible holomorphic symplectic manifold […]
Title: On the Harish-Chandra regularity theorem Abstract: The Harish-Chandra regularity theorem roughly says that an invariant eigendistribution on a semisimple Lie group is represented by some locally integrable function. We shall explain the […]
Title: Exotic spheres from p-adic cohomology theories.Abstract:Part 1: An n-dimensional exotic sphere is a smooth manifold homeomorphic, but not diffeomorphic, to S^n. I will give a leisurely introduction to the […]
Title: Finiteness for Hecke algebras of p-adic reductive groups. Abstract: Part 1: Let F be a p-adic field, and G the F-points of a reductive group over F. For any compact […]
Title: Singularities in Mixed Characteristic via Alterations.Abstract: Multiplier ideals and test ideals are ways to measure singularities in characteristic zero and p > 0 respectively. In characteristic zero, multiplier ideals are […]
Title: A Geometric Introduction to Representation TheoryAbstract: What exactly does it mean for a group to represent the symmetries of an object? In this talk, I will attempt to answer […]
Title: A family of Kahler flying wing steady Ricci solitonsAbstract: Steady Kahler-Ricci solitons are eternal solutions of the Kahler-Ricci flow. I will present new examples of such solitons with strictly […]
Title: Syzygies of adjoint linear series on projective varietiesAbstract: Syzygies of algebraic varieties have long been a topic of intense interest among algebraists and geometers alike. Starting with the pioneering work of Mark Green […]
Title: Kloosterman sums in representation theory of GL(n, Fq) Abstract: Given a "nice" irreducible representation of GL(n, Fq), one can define a special matrix coefficient attached to it, called the […]
Title and abstract TBA